Games Workshop's various wargames encourage the use of finely-detailed, elaborate miniature figures that are A) expensive, and B) a pain in the ass to assemble and paint, especially for a not-terribly-artistic fortysomething with shaky hands. That said, a well-painted Warhammer army is a beautiful thing. For my main 40K army, I chose the Sisters of Battle, which serve as companions to the main Imperial forces such as the Space Marines. I did so because A) they didn't have a bunch of expensive vehicles to buy, and B) because the notion of an army of armor-plated, flying nuns has a certain sick appeal. My second army is of the alien Tyranids, though I've still got a lot of work to go to make them a force to be reckoned with. I primarily play 40K with my friends Tonya, Donn and Dan, who are much better painters than I will ever be, and who have incredible armies that put my pallid Sisters to shame. Donn has built a lot of special terrain to liven up the tabletop, and all of us have contributed our own unique units to the battlefield. While official 40K tournaments discourage the use of non-Games Workshop miniatures, we're quite liberal about what we'll allow in play. After all, it's a game, and you could play it with cardboard chits if you wanted. (But that wouldn't look as cool.) Donn's impressive wargaming table. |
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